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Enrichment Programs

Some of the events and programs that take place at our school:

Welcome Back Assembly: Co-Admin welcome back student to their school. The assembly touches on rules and expectation for the academic year, and encourage students to give input. 

School Beautification Day: students and staff join together on a Saturday morning every school year to plant flowers, clean out weeds and take care of our school grounds and school garden. This is typically done in the Spring time.

Bullying Prevention Week: Every October, a week is dedicated to promoting a positive, bully free school. A series of events and activities are planned in individual classrooms as well as school-wide. 

Fall Festival: In November Fall Festival takes place giving entertainment for the community, raising money for field trips and school use.

Career Day: 4-6th grade students particiapte in Career Day; a day in each professionals are invited to attend informational sessions for students. Students come prepared to ask questions and learn more about the professionals present. This programs is soon to expand to all grade levels. 

College Visit: As a follow-up to Career Day, 6th graders visit California State University, Monterey Bay to get a glimpse of a college campus and college environment; typically takes place in the Spring.

Santa’s Workshop- Santa's workshop is brought to the school by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and it's a fundraising opportunity for students to buy gifts for family member.

Movie Night- In January, parents/guardians and students enjoy some family bonding at school.

Second Grade Patriotic Program- Second grade students prepare songs and parents attend the students' performance in February.

Science Fair-  5-6th grade students prepare to expose their science projects, fellow students attend the exposition and ask questions to the students presenters. Parents are invited to attend the exposition in the evening

Family Reading Night- In March, families are invited to attend a reading in celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

Constitution Presentation-  4-6th graders enjoy a constitution presentation from the county office in March every year

4th Grade Mission Fair- 4th grade students present their studies of the California Missions to the school, students attend during the day and parents/guardians are invited to attend as well a

Jump Rope for Heart: School-wide involvement for healthy living and healthy habits.

Zunzun Assembly: this assembly focussed on water conservation and makes the connection with the school's team against plastic pollution 

Family Math Night: a night filled with opportunities for all to be mathematicians and have fun.

School Wide Field Day- all grade levels head out to the field to go through activities of skipping, running and jumping